rjmarek's blog

2024.09.08 Intergenerational Poverty

Create an eternal fund that along with proper therapeutic skills stops intergenerational poverty. Those therapeutic skills enable the growth of self awareness in the client. Teaching the client the maturational ability to say "No" to ones self after having learned to say no to outside impositions will stop intergenerational poverty. The client will have the ability to mitigate the effects of drug use, laziness and procrastination that accompany frequent stochasiic setbacks while very young.

2024.08.11 Helping people is never predictable

The practice of Social Work gives fire to each person we meet. In therapy of any kind, it is a sacred act. We are making choices and giving direction out of a million other choices. It is important that we are guided by health.

In hypnosis, the left hemisphere is rested, freeing the right hemisphere to present good and coherent new ideas. Breathing may be associated with right/left activation. There is an interesting idea that inspiration/inhale is healing while exhalation is for relaxation. At least, that appears to work with many clients and is in the hypnotherapy literature.

2024.07.21 The two most important treatment factors in CGC

The two most important treatment factors in CGC:

1. Not becoming part of the client's income stream.

2. Having the client in a therapeutic, ongoing, relationship, if the client misses appointments that affect the relationship, the therapeutic relationship has been broken and a new time line will need to be established.

2024.07.07 Creating possiblities includes behavior and community

When we use CGC in the moment of need, we do direct and indirect therapy.
Directly we eliminate a problem and for a short moment give real relief from the emotion of failure frustration.
Indirectly, we encourage the mindset of freedom from crippling fear and help the client find alternate strategies to succeed while we give him community. the community is of ourselves and a reconnect to the possibilities of good relationships.
Good relationships are like poverty, they are subject to bad and good luck.

2024.07.03 Therapists must have their therapeutic skills fully functioning for CGC

Therapists need top notch therapeutic skills to continue the effect that a financial intervention starts. Preparation for the interventions is part of the skill set, timing is important. It is easy to mistake giving money to a needy client as an end in itself. Being kind to our mistakes means moving on and learning.

2024.05.17 Exercise and clear thinking

The effects of EMDR are triggered in various physical modalities. Eye movements of all directions, hand, leg and arm tapping, buzzers, and probably other modalities are used with success. As if mere exercise is enough to allow the mind freedom to assess traumatic events in non-traumatic ways. (Although the beauty of EMDR training is in giving the practioner the insight to identify with the patient the feeling of trauma and re-experience it in some safe level of intensity.) The eye movements of the appelation are not a necessary component.

2024.03.02 Case Example, A decision tree for giving

Good Case History: Long term client, good emotional stability, physical impairments to working, married, disability benefits & welfare.

Problem: financial strains: indicated by food shortages, car troubles, housing costs.

Personal solutions to finances: borrowed money from relatives, spouse underemployed at intersection of losing benefits if the spouse worked more hours but can't find job that would bring the family out of the poverty trap.

2023.12.09 The CarefulGiving Diet

Here's an interesting take on losing weight that is a total mind body approach. It teaches self-discipline, awareness of good food and a reawakening of listening to our hunger instincts. The best part is it does not engender fear or guilt. The plan relies on our natural ability to problem solve.

How it works. Get a routine where you weigh yourself with certain clothes. Get a piece of paper that will become part of this routine.

Weigh yourself. On the piece of paper write the date; next to the date write the amount you weigh MINUS 1 pound.

2023.11.20 Financial Intervention Praxis

Some financial techniques that promote positive financial attitudes:

2023.10.28 Twelve Rules of CarefulGiving

The Twelve Rules for Clinicians who use CarefulGiving Money in an intervention are:
1. CarefulGiving Money is for interventions with their clients.
2. CGMoney cannot be used for the benefit of clinicians in any way, directly or indirectly, e.g., to pay for MH treatment.
3. CGMoney cannot be used for political purposes in any manner.
4. CGMoney is used for individuals and families, not for groups of any kind, (e.g., CGMoney cannot be used for churches etc.)

2023.10.16 Complexity is the norm in life

Thinking about giving money to people in crisis enables the person to become part of a more complex process. And not giving money allows the giving situation to not devolve into a simpler state of affairs, namely, the therapist becomes part of the client's income stream.

By careful giving we bring the person to greater involvement in his or her life. If the intervention is successful, the client seeks to sustain the new level of complexity, which is the opposite of stagnation.

2023.10.04 The Principle of never being poor

Case example: Long term patient/client with chronic history of being cash poor, e.g., no food, can't repair car, not enough money for gas, short on house payments, but the person is not destitute, they are not in immediate danger of being homeless.

Intervention: 20 dollars was given, in a non-requested scenario (prophylactically), with the educational addendum to keep the twenty dollar bill in the wallet and never to be spent.

Result: Two weeks later, the client noted the money was still in the wallet and immediate cash short-falls were being alleviated.

2023.09.23 Private Banking

Bank of America offers private banking for wealth growth for families. The family of Social Workers and their clients will use the services of Bank of America. The CarefulGiving Trust makes each qualified SW a trustee with a specified amount access to the interest generated annually.

2023.06.10 Capitalism is interwoven with philanthropy

Capitalism is pure selfishnes, taking care of its own. It succeeds because of the energy and clarity it limitlessly has at its disposal. Socialism is high minded but goes against the biology of humankind.

In order for capitalism to interact with the society it has created, it must find means to not destroy the parts which lie outside its field of action. Philanthropy grew with prosperity, the age of christianity with the reign of the church offered care and comfort to strangers - all god's creatures.

2023.04.17 Slow breathing at 5 breaths per minute

At 4 to 6 breaths per minute the vagus nerve is optimally stimulated.

2022.12.16 Trust the client to fail and succeed

Lesson learned, in desire to see client become self-sufficient, I added monies that the client did not request. This may have delayed the client's growth and awareness of their potential to self- advocate. The classic model of ensuring success is not holistic. The human mind often needs to see for itself what the parameters of life really are and how they operate within those parameters. There is no easy way to grow when conditions are not perfectly suited in every detail.

2022.10.10 Classic Look at Roots of Poverty

A wise man once said, "The poor you will always have with you" (NIV, Mat. 26:11). A residual cohort of extreme poverty does appear intractable across time and location. This paper discusses the roots of poverty in the writings of three classical sociologists.
But isn't poverty declining globally?

2022.04.02 "The poor you will always have with you."

"The poor you will always have with you"

Why would he say this? The answer is two fold. The following factors are compromised and found in some mixture in those at the margin: Free will with insufficient skills, imagination that is fearful of exploring, incomplete data in choice-making, and bad luck. In other words, insufficient data in choice-making in addition to bad luck guarantee life at the margin of life and death.

2021.01.16 Reconsolidation of fear

Also see: Parallels between cerebellum- and amygdala-dependent conditioning

To cite this article: James Elsey & Merel Kindt (2016) Manipulating Human Memory Through Reconsolidation: Ethical Implications of a New Therapeutic Approach, AJOB Neuroscience, 7:4, 225-236, DOI: 10.1080/21507740.2016.1218377

2020.12.18 Lock Spots

EMDR targets "lock spots" which it frees up

2020.12.15 My fears are not greater than my strengths

My daughter's comments as the winter cold approaches and she contemplates increased pain.

2020.12.05 Trauma of Poverty in the moment

Anxiety is caused by realizing there is not enough money to pay a bill and the consequences are both real and imagined. Trauma of bills overdue accumulates, and as it accumulates we have heightened fight, flight and freeze - fear - becoming a way of life. I would call this ptsd, with a small, but not too small, "t" for trauma. After all, people have committed suicide with the inability to pay their bills and fear of losing everything dear to them. On a large scale, this happened in the great stock market crash of the 1920s, where people once rich became poor in moments.

2020.12.04 ADHD - adaptive mind to reduce anxiety of criticism

The result of some instances of ADHD is adult permission to exist as a child without responsibility for follow through as a way of avoiding criticism and the stress of confrontation, which condition of easy forgetting and inattention becomes a shutdown of the amygdala: test for size of amygdala in dx ADHD. Does an amphetamine type drug cause greater activation of the amygdala allowing improved awareness and retention of presented information.

If true, then the methods of retraining for performance on tasks has to focus on stronger presentation and relaxation.

2020.11.30 EMDR & reprocessing II

Getting rid of the guilt or negativity regarding having enough money, being 'rich.'
Using 'box breathing' as attentional centering device to allow adaptive information processing to health.

For the daily life, remember to breathe for the sake of breathing. The "I" breath is my idea. Think of the roman numeral one or the font where the capital I has a cap and a bottom. 'Breathe in, I wait, breathe out, I wait. For the sake of breathing.

2020.11.29 EMDR & reprocessing

Some people cannot concentrate as a way of dealing with life's instability. Highly sensitive, highly aware, highly skeptical people challenge every thought of their own and of others. As the gentleman of matrix imagining theory wrote, these are people of untethered minds. As van der kolk noted that hypnosis is superior to EMDR in therapeutic efficacy, yet we know hypnosis is generally short-lived.

2020.11.14 What we strive for is continuity or stability

I use breathing techniques to return to when stressed and overwhelmed.
Others use reading and quiet time.
Some people like music or dance to relax and recreate themselves.
Many use religious thought and prayer.

OCD patients are looking for stability of thought.

2020.11.12 Push - Pull of the hemispheres

Analagous working of the right hemisphere, pulls in data of opportunities and pitfalls. While left hemisphere pushes activities when in position.

2020.11.09 The slavery of the poverty mindset

Many clients want to be free of the fear of being caught without the means to meet their needs.

2020.11.08 Faith is life

Faith is the commitment that we will be helped to live and we will cooperate. The smallest creature operates out of moving forward, looking for sustenance and danger, expecting it and hoping to be aware of its life circumstances. The smallest to the largest of creatures expect to find answers for their needs. This is 'faith,' and it's different than the mechanistic operation of computers and its circuitry. Mechanisms operate without expectation, they merely react.

2020.11.07 Knowing your own mind

This is a process of having enough experience, time for reflection and words to know what you are doing, how predictable you are to yourself, and your ability to interact with others. It is knowing and having been told what your strengths are and, also, perhaps, your weaknesses.


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