rjmarek's blog

2017.01.17 Therapeutic relationship, just like my professor said:

It is the quality of the relationship that determines the outcome of therapy, at least with psychosis.


2016.12.28 Basics of CGC as a non-profit

1. We care only for our own clients, we do not do financial interventions at the request of another therapist.

2. We have faith in our work even though it may not work 100% of the time, persistence is as important as the transactions.

2016.11.29 Compassion is not a finite resource when based on knowledge

The history of philanthropy and altruism is a core feature of survival, seen throughout the mamalian kingdom, at least it isoften seen there.

2016.11.19 This is the way CGC works

DSWs will have the ability to administer funding in the capacity of third party oversight. They can be consulted with appropriate referred clientele who may be benefitted by financial therapeutic intervention. Interested MSW will also have the ability to directly administer direct interventions.

2016.11.14 Health through involvement with Community

One of the venues of healing borrows from Freud's dilemma of what to do with clients who aren't progressing. He gave them a job as psychoanalysts. On a serious note, we are investigating the use of community involvement as a form of enhancing the growth of the individual.

This method goes beyond finding a job and gainful employment, although this is a real end goal in all interventions. What is working for client growth is volunteering for public speaking in a controlled setting. This for people who are often shut ins most of the time through anxiety.

2016.11.10 The Therapeutic Indices of Social Work

Social work heals the individual through the client's improved engagement with community and in supplying resources to the client until the client is resourceful for self.
These are measurable effects and are unique to social work.

1. Engagement with community sees the progression of the client from isolation to connection with the therapist, reconnection with the client's family (if the family is healthy), forming personal bonds another person and then participation with the larger community in a group or another organizational setting.

2016.11.06 Upstream Divergence

Referring to the completion of policy making at the farthest reaches of application specificity through the interface of professionals at the farthest points. Romania has praised Social Workers as being integral to the economic well being of the country.

In many natural organized systems, from nerve growth, to geology, to the capacity of living creatures to extract the best performance interacting with the environment, it is necessary to have the receptors receiving the guided but free flowing resource information needed for processing.

2016.11.02 Social Work is a Grand and Unique Profession

Social work always deals with crisis. We are practical people. The great policy makers of the past century had specific crisis for which their expertise had innovative solutions.
For instance, Harry Hopkins was an innovator, an ambitious man who wanted to make changes in the lives of the poor; and his ambition led him to the heights of power. He was a social worker, a teacher, an organizer, a president's aide and an internationally known liaison to the most powerful men of his era.

2016.10.28 **Toward a Theory of the Use of Money in Therapeutic Interventions

Need to define money
define therapeutic

Investigate all human pursuits that involve money - from rewards, investments, gambling and define pathology, symbiosis, predation, community, and collaboration

Define aspects of health: sustainability, mutual respect, and safety

2016.10.25 How is community influenced?

It seems there are three main areas that cause community to change - either disintegrate or become more united:
1. crisis- fire, natural disaster, war
2. agitators, internal and external, advocate to solve a wrong done to the community, real or imagined
3. exigent circumstances: finances, work, housing - either lack of, or new opportunities for.

2016.10.23 Family Financial Intervention

Financial Intervention in Family Work

Financial interventions that directly affect the individual appear to work out satisfactorily and have the desired effects, namely financial self capacity and increased community involvement. The process involving family and child interaction is still in research mode.

Some of the parameters that financial incentives and rewards may impact the children especially may need to be collectively agreed upon, enthusiastically embraced and unreservedly fulfilled.

2016.10.21 Real and Substantial Mental Health Intervention, Social Work, Children

Absent parental guidance
In the presence of rejection
With a longing to belong
Perhaps budding sexuality

Would real and lasting money intervention motivate self orientation
To help client make decisions that:
Give him confidence
Make him do more for himself,
Work with borderline IQ

The intervention would be client specific
Clinician directed
Encouraging client to achieve
Helping him focus his talents into skills
These are clients who are called schizoaffective

2016.10.20 What Should Social Workers Be Doing?

What Should Social Workers Be Doing?

Three ways to examine what social workers do:
1. Historically
2. What is unique to our profession now
3. How to make a living in the future caring for clients.

2016.09.28 What is it like to lose control of your body?

For ten years I worked in a Children's Nursing Home, one of the few long term care facilities for children in the USA. The children were damaged by car accidents, early onset progressive diseases, in utero complications and birth defects. All were unable to be cared for by their families, which is why they were living at the nursing home. Their breathing was inevitably compromised by lack of exercise and mid-winter flu often took a toll on their lives. Their muscles were hypostatic or hypertonic. Seizures were common with the brain damage. All were incontinent.

2016.09.25 Smiling and Breathing Therapy

Just attended a conference on Trauma In Children. The presenter was wonderful. An LICSW and PhD in Social Work. She was practical and knowledgeable. We did a warm up exercise - draw a smiling face and an angry face on opposite sides of a folded paper. She then had us flip the paper frequently, about a dozen times. Then we verbalized our perception of the two faces, obviously we felt better about the smiling face than about the angry face. "And this is what a child sees when they see us in session. An angry face makes the child feel something is wrong, that they did something wrong."

2016.09.20 This blog is not about marijuana use.

This blog is a call to accounting. We as social workers have the ability to catalog our clients' experiences with 'medical marijuana.' In my past thirty years of social work experience I have seen three cases of psychosis / schizophrenic inception associated with the initiation of marijuana smoking. The ages of the men (all men) were college age and approximately 19 years old. This is also the age for schizophrenia to rear its head.

2016.09.05 Helping one, helping many

Helping one, helping many

2016.09.02 In these desperate times, it is great to be a social worker

In these desperate times, it is great to be a social worker. A client came in, in severe financial distress. Her husband wasn’t helping. She was crying, in danger of losing her home. Referrals were found but panic had set in, her sense of hope apparently inaccessible. And, no monies were forthcoming from any agencies.

2016.08.28 Social work is about getting the client invested in community, here’s how a few social workers used the founders’ methods.

I've been a social worker for thirty years. During this time I chaffed at not having power and, yet, was being asked to take better care of my client, to advocate more for justice, etc. I wondered, is there a better way?

Many social workers, wanting more money and more control over their lives, branched into other areas of professionalism: lawyers, professors, real estate agents; some left the profession altogether.

2016.08.16 Seeing community as the eigenvalue in the clinical alleviation of poverty

In mathematical analysis of variables that influence outcomes in people's interactions, an eigenvalue is something that doesn't change. It seems to be the bottom line that can be depended upon to understand what is going on, what will influence people regularly and to be, most likely, the determining factor in the success of an outcome that we want to influence in some way.


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